
Live Recording: Building a Sketchnote Header for the Packers vs. Eagles Wildcard Game with Mike Rohde

A live video setting up a sketchnote spread for Sunday's Green Bay Packers (my team) vs. the Philadephia Eagles in Philly. Watch me build the header piece by piece. Tools listing is below in the post!

Hey Lab Members!

I’m continuing to experiment with Substack’s features, and a big one I’ve wanted to try for a while has been live video.

My friend and fellow artist

has used built-in live video in a cool way with his newsletter, so I was inspired to try it.

My team, the Green Bay Packers, will play the Philadephia Eagles on Sunday, so I took advantage of needing to prep the header to experiment with live video, which you can watch above. Down below is the finished header, ready for tomorrow’s game:

When the sketchnote is completed tomorrow night, I’ll add it here with an update.

Finished Sketchnote

That is not how I would have wanted this game to go. Go Pack Go anyway!

Tools in the Video

I used a few tools in the live video, and I know people love to find new tools, so here is a full rundown of what I used today:

  1. The Faber-Castell E-Motion 1.4mm Mechanical Pencil's barrel shape makes it feel great in the hand. The thick, soft lead makes marks that are easily erased.

  2. Pentel Energel 0.7mm Gel Pen is my successor to the Pilot G2. It delivers dark, smooth ink. I prefer the capped version to protect my pocket.

  3. Neuland FineOne Outliner Round Nib offers rich, permanent black ink. I like it for fast black coverage when using a thinner gel pen.

  4. Neuland FineOne Art Gray 108 Brush Marker provided the gray in the Eagle head and throughout the sketchnote tomorrow during the game.

  5. Prismacolor Kneadable Eraser for erasing pencil lines and stress relief!

  6. The Sketchnote Ideabook is the sketchbook designed for sketchnoters. Its bright, thick paper can withstand almost any marker or pen.

  7. The Sketchnote Handbook is my first book that will teach you sketchnoting. Get 40% off at Peachpit.com with code ROHDE40.


Live video was fun, and I plan to do them again. Thank you to

, , , , , and about 40 others who tuned into my live video to see what I was up to!

Thanks again for the chance to share something fun in your inbox!

— Mike

Sketchnote Lab is Mike Rohde’s space designed to bridge the gap between sketchnote theory and practice. The goal is to guide you in integrating sketchnoting into your everyday life. Learn more about Sketchnote Lab.

Mike is the author of The Sketchnote Handbook and The Sketchnote Workbook, bestselling books that teach regular people how to start and keep sketchnoting.

He is the founder of the Sketchnote Army and host of the Sketchnote Army Podcast, where he interviews visual thinkers to understand what makes them tick.

Mike offers recorded, live, and in-person workshops to help accelerate your sketchnoting practice and coaching for personalized, 1:1 sketchnoting guidance.

Become a paid Lab Member to support Mike’s work.